Public Croatia Author: Stefan Ditrih
The Croatian Tax Authority has announced to fiscalization subjects and their manufacturers/maintainers of software solutions for fiscalization that the existing application certificate Fiskalcistest of the fiscalization test system, with which the test system signs its XML response messages, will expire in mid-July 2024.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 153
Content accuracy validation date: 15.07.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 00:00h

The application certificate will be replaced with a new Fiskalcistest certificate, and the public key to the Fiskalcistest demo certificate will be available on July 11, 2024, from the FINA DEMO certificate search engine:

The search criteria through the FINA search engine are:

  • Certificate type: application certificates
  • Certification Authority (CA): FINA Demo CA 2020
  • Application or system name: fiskalcistest
  • OIB: 02994650199
  • meet the reCAPTCHA criteria

After that, you need to select the 'Search' option.

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