Public Global Author: Nikolina Basic
A major IT outage has brought banks, media companies, and airlines around the world to a complete standstill today, causing chaos at airport check-ins, canceled flights, and disrupted services. The outage has also affected global customers of Microsoft's Azure and Office365 services.

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Views: 110
Content accuracy validation date: 19.07.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 00:00h

As we use Microsoft Azure for our cloud system, we have thoroughly analyzed the situation. We are happy to report that everything is working fine on our end.

A flawed anti-virus update affects Microsoft Windows users as well as POS. Our customers do not need to worry about fiscal services as we have an effective offline solution that proves valuable in situations like this. If you are using a Windows operating system, we recommend that you switch to full offline mode.

Please be assured that we will continue to monitor this significant global IT outage closely and keep you informed of further developments.

Thank you for your trust in Fiscal Solutions.