Public Belgium Author: Tara Nedeljkovic
Belgian legislation requires that all consumer-facing companies, big or small, must provide their customers with at least one solution that allows them to pay for their purchases electronically. However, it cannot be used to replace cash payments, which must always be accepted if the customer chooses to pay using cash.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 19.08.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 08:08h

Companies are free to choose the technology that suits them best and how many and which types of these methods they support depending on their economic situation and the nature of their clients.

Consumers are increasingly using electronic payment methods to pay for their purchases. This has benefits for both consumers and traders, so it is therefore convenient to let them choose how they choose.

Also, it is not permitted to charge additional costs to customers who opt for electronic payments or to refuse an electronic payment below a certain amount, so if the customer wants to pay with an electronic means of payment that is accepted by the seller, there is no lower limit for small amounts; all is accepted. Businesses can, however, vary electronic payment methods according to the amount. Payments made with meal vouchers, eco-cheques, or consumer vouchers are not considered electronic payments, even when made with a card.

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