Public Croatia Author: Stefan Ditrih
Please note: On September 17, 2024, at 5:00 AM, the Tax Administration's Fiskalcis application certificate will be replaced with a new certificate. More details are as follows.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 357
Content accuracy validation date: 22.08.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 08:10h

This certificate is used by the Tax Administration's CIS to sign the XML response message containing the JIR, which is sent back to the fiscalization obligor's cash register. The cash register should verify the electronic signature of this message using the public key of the Fiskalcis certificate, which the fiscalization obligor has downloaded to their cash register. The use of application certificates is important for establishing security and trust between the communicating parties, as they represent each other.

The public key of the new Fiskalcis certificate from the Tax Administration will be available for download from September 10, 2024, and can be downloaded through the FINA certificate search engine or on the Tax Administration's website here.

This time, the Fiskalcis certificate will be issued with Fina RDC CA 2020, so we recommend that obligors also download it if they have not already. The certificate is available for download at



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