Public Belgium Author: Tara Nedeljkovic
The Belgian FPS Finance has released the initial set of use cases for GKS 2.0 solutions, known as the UseCases BasicSet POS FDM. This set includes a comprehensive folder detailing various use cases and the corresponding JSON messages. The publication aims to provide clear guidelines and examples for implementing GKS 2.0 solutions effectively.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 68
Content accuracy validation date: 23.08.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 08:13h

By offering these resources, FPS Finance seeks to ensure a smooth transition and compliance with the new standards. This initiative is part of their ongoing efforts to enhance financial management systems in Belgium.

Some of the examples of Use Cases inside this set include those for processing sales, returns, partial returns, etc. for the new GKS 2.0 solutions.  

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