Public Global Author: Tijana Varga
Novi Sad, August 27 – Fiscal Solutions, a leading provider of fiscal software solutions for the retail industry, today announced it has partnered with Avalara, a leading tax compliance automation software provider for businesses of all sizes. This partnership will allow organizations to address compliance with global e-invoicing mandates, resulting in greater business efficiency and reduced costs.

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E-invoicing: A growing trend to mandatory use worldwide

As governments around the world increasingly mandate e-invoicing to improve tax compliance and reduce fraud, businesses are challenged to implement these requirements across multiple systems and regions.   Today, more than 60 countries worldwide have announced or already have mandates for e-invoicing — a number that could more than double by 2030. Large multinational retailers feel the greatest pressure to comply across their operations in increasing countries. Traditionally, retailers have implemented e-invoicing solutions for business-to-business transactions in their accounting systems but avoided extending the functionality to the point of sale (POS) to minimize expense and reduce IT infrastructure complexity.

This dissimilar approach often can result in a fragmented customer experience and increase operational inefficiencies.

A unified solution for fiscal compliance and e-invoicing

Fiscal Solutions and Avalara have addressed these challenges by integrating Avalara's cloud-based E-Invoicing and Live Reporting compliance solution with Fiscal Solutions' advanced fiscal middleware.  This unified solution enables retailers to implement e-invoicing directly at the POS with a single integration, resulting in automated finance processes, compliance with locally required e-invoicing rules, and reduced associated costs and manual effort.

Retailers using Fiscal Solutions' middleware can now leverage Avalara  E-Invoicing and Live Reporting functionality across all sales channels, including e-commerce, social commerce, self-checkout, kiosks, and other business models, without the need for additional integration. This innovative approach ensures that retailers can comply with operations.

Key benefits of integration:

  • Simplified infrastructure: Retailers can now use the same e-invoicing solution across all sales channels, eliminating the need for separate implementation projects for POS and accounting systems.
  • Reduced costs: By integrating once, retailers can achieve compliance with both tax laws and e-invoicing mandates, reducing implementation costs and ongoing maintenance.
  • Improved customer experience: Integration enables seamless invoice creation and processing at every point of sale, ensuring a smooth and efficient transaction process.
  • Global reach: The solution is designed to meet the complex tax and e-invoicing requirements in a variety of countries, making it ideal for multi-national retailers.

About Avalara

Avalara helps businesses overcome international tax compliance challenges with automated solutions and a global team of tax experts. Each year, Avalara processes billions of indirect tax transactions, files thousands of tax returns, and manages millions of exemption certificates. Avalara can help you adapt to new rules and requirements as you grow so that you can hit the ground running in new markets and not be bogged down by tax compliance tasks. Businesses of all sizes use Avalara to help with tasks throughout the tax compliance process, including registration and licensing, calculation, document management, reporting, and e-invoicing.

Avalara works closely with accountants, technology partners, value-added resellers, and system integrators in every region of the world. We have more than 1,200 signed partner integrations that enable us to connect to the systems you already use to run your business. If you’re doing tax manually in a digital world - there’s a better way.

About Fiscal Solutions

Fiscal Solutions is a leading software provider of fiscal solutions and all related technical services, tailored for the retail industry. With more than 70 successful Fiscalization Projects in 26 fiscal countries, we make sure that our clients have excellent fiscal experience daily.

Fiscal Solutions also provides consulting support, educational materials, and a dedicated fiscal portal to help retailers navigate the complexities of fiscal compliance. Recent innovations include the Fiscal Cloud and Fiscal GPT, an AI-powered tool that improves the efficiency of fiscalization.

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Contact Information:

  • Media Contact: Tijana Varga, marketing manager
  • Phone: +381631124095
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