Public Republic of Srpska Author: Tara Nedeljkovic
Taxpayers are informed that the deadline for fiscalization of the first group of fiscalization taxpayers expires on December 17, 2024. There are less than 3 months left until the expiration of the deadline, in which period of time all taxpayers belonging to the first group of taxpayers should be fiscalized. We hereby invite taxpayers to respond to the fiscal system operator's invitation for fiscalization and to prepare their software for communication with the electronic fiscal device.

Fiscal subject related

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Content accuracy validation date: 24.09.2024
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Taxpayers of the first group who are not fiscalized by December 17, 2024, will be sanctioned in accordance with the Law on Fiscalization ("Official Gazette of the Republika Srpska", No. 15/22).

            As a reminder, the Rulebook on the Dynamics of fiscalization ("Official Gazette of Republika Srpska", number 26/24), prescribed the dynamics of fiscalization and the method of financing the costs of initial fiscalization for all those who are obligated to transfer to the new fiscal system.

            Article 5, paragraph 7) of the said Rulebook stipulates that the deadline for completing the initial fiscalization procedure for the first and second groups of taxpayers is six months from the date of the expiration of the deadline for starting the initial fiscalization procedure. This deadline is for now known for the first group of taxpayers, and it is set at December 17th, 2024. Prolongation of the specified deadline for the fiscalization of the first group of taxpayers in accordance with the new regulations is not foreseen.

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