Public Austria Author: Stefan Ditrih
The Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance, through its specialized Predictive Analytics Competence Center (PACC), has successfully utilized Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to identify and combat VAT fraud, among other tax evasion schemes. This sophisticated use of technology is particularly critical in tackling VAT missing-trader fraud, a well-known issue in cross-border transactions, where fraudulent traders unlawfully obtain VAT refunds on zero-rated intra-community supplies.

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Content accuracy validation date: 01.10.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 08:34h

The PACC’s use of AI and predictive analysis has been instrumental in tackling VAT fraud schemes, including those identified in Austria’s recent €195 million VAT fraud case. Fraudulent traders in cross-border schemes often exploit VAT-free sales within the EU to claim unlawful VAT refunds from the state. By applying machine learning algorithms to audit data and e-commerce platform transactions, the PACC can flag potentially fraudulent activities early, such as traders engaging in carousel fraud, where goods are moved across borders multiple times to fraudulently claim VAT refunds.

Cash register data, including those collected via the SAF-T format, feeds into these AI-driven systems, allowing tax authorities to match transactions, detect anomalies, and identify suspicious patterns. For instance, if a business underreports its sales or shows discrepancies between recorded transactions and actual VAT filings, these systems can alert authorities for further investigation.

Looking ahead, the PACC aims to expand its AI capabilities, including integrating advanced models and real-time audit techniques. As businesses continue to digitalize and new threats, like cryptocurrency-based fraud, emerge, cash register rules will remain crucial in providing accurate, verifiable transaction data that support both traditional audits and advanced AI-driven analyses. Taking all of this into account it is imperative for businesses to be compliant with cash register and VAT regulations in Austria.

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