Public Spain Author: Nikolina Basic
Starting October 1, 2024, TicketBAI will implement modifications to VAT rates in the provinces of Álava and Gipuzkoa. As a reminder, in the Basque region, the special fiscalization system known as TicketBAI is established years ago, depending on the concrete province.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 83
Content accuracy validation date: 30.09.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 00:00h

Changes in Gipuzkoa, effective October 1, 2024:

  • Specific products will see the 2% and 7.5% rates included in the 5% rate.
  • The equivalence surcharge will change from 0.5% and 0.62% to 0.26% and 1%, respectively.
  • New validation documents have been announced to allow software testing before the changes take effect.

Changes in Álava, from October 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024:

  • The 5% VAT rate will increase to 7.5%, with an additional equivalence surcharge of 1%.
  • The 0% VAT rate will be replaced by 2%, with an equivalence surcharge of 0.26%.

No Changes in Biscay.

No modifications have been announced for Vizcaya at this time.

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