Public Other countries Author: Nikolina Basić
The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) has issued a reminder to all registered operators under the Value Added Tax (VAT) Act [Chapter 23:12] regarding the compliance requirements for Fiscal Tax Invoices (receipts). This reminder aims to ensure compliance and streamline the VAT process for all registered operators.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 242
Content accuracy validation date: 25.10.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 08:04h

It is stated that:

  1. Fiscal device requirement: all fiscal tax invoices (receipts) must be generated by a fiscal device that is integrated with the ZIMRA Fiscalization Data Management System (FDMS).
  2. Non-compliance consequences: invoices (receipts) that do not comply with these requirements cannot be used to claim VAT input tax or income tax expenditure.
  3. Invoice (receipt) Features: According to Section 20(4) of the VAT Act, a compliant fiscal tax invoice must include:
  • The words “Fiscal Tax Invoice” are prominently displayed.
  • The supplier's name, address, and registration number.
  • The recipient's name, address, and registration number (if applicable).
  • A unique serial number and the date of issuance.
  • A description of the goods or services supplied.
  • The quantity or volume of goods or services supplied.
  • The amount of tax charged.
  1. Verification process: to ensure an invoice is generated by a compliant fiscal device:
  • The invoice (receipt) should feature a verifiable QR code, which can be authenticated via a QR code scanner or the ZIMRA FDMS portal.
  • The details on the printed invoice must match those transmitted to the FDMS and be verifiable.
  • The invoice (receipt) should show as 'valid' on the validation portal without errors. Any discrepancies must be rectified by the issuer.
  1. Buyer Information: When a buyer requests a fiscal tax invoice (receipt), it is mandatory to capture the buyer's full details, including:
  • Buyer Name
  • Buyer Address
  • Buyer TIN
  • Buyer VAT Number (if registered for VAT)

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