Public Spain Author: Nikolina Basić
The BOE has published Order HAC/1177/2024, setting the official technical and functional specifications for billing systems under VeriFactu, with a compliance deadline for manufacturers by July 29, 2025.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 229
Content accuracy validation date: 28.10.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 15:13h

Today, October 28, 2024, the BOE published Order HAC/1177/2024, dated October 17, which outlines the technical, functional, and content specifications for computer and electronic systems supporting billing processes for entrepreneurs and professionals. This order is part of the regulations established by Royal Decree 1007/2023, dated December 5, and Royal Decree 1619/2012, dated November 30, which regulate billing obligations and standardize billing record format—long-waited for regulation. It regulates a large number of technical details, clarifies certain rules and requirements that weren’t introduced before, and also clarifies certain topics and requirements. The deadline for manufacturers of the computer programs has officially begun. If we count nine months from today, the deadline is 29th July. 2025. 

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