Public Republic of Srpska Author: Tara Nedeljković
The Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska has published a User Guide for external users of the Fiscalization Management System to report errors or issues effectively. External users, including taxpayers and fiscal device suppliers, can report problems via an online form, receiving confirmation and support responses through email. The guide is available on the Tax Authority's website under the e-fiscalization section.

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On the official website of the Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska in the e-fiscalization section—subsection Reporting Errors by External Users on the Fiscalization Management System—it is possible to report errors/problems for all categories of external users of the Fiscalization Management System. By external users of the FMS, the following categories of subjects are considered to fall under it:

  1. Fiscalization taxpayers,
  2. Suppliers of electronic fiscal device elements,
  3. Operator of the fiscal system, and
  4. Customers.

To report errors and problems, the Tax Authority has created a User Guide for Reporting Errors by External Users on the Fiscalization Management System.

After a successfully reported error/problem, the system user receives a confirmation via e-mail with the following content: "We would like to inform you that your problem has been successfully reported under the serial number ****. You will soon receive a response from the Support Service, Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska".

Also, all answers with a solution to the reported problem or any questions related to the error/problem report will be sent to the contact e-mail that was specified (entered) in the error report form.

If the fiscalization management system user belongs to the category of external users by marking the mentioned category, the content of the form is adapted for reporting errors for the specified group of external users listed above in points 1 to 4.

This User Guide has been adopted and published in the Serbian language in that section of the e-fiscalization section on the website of the Tax Authority of the Republic of Srpska.


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