Public Serbia Author: Tara Nedeljkovic
The Serbian Tax Authority has introduced a new access method for the eTax (e-Porezi) portal using a Qualified Electronic Certificate with the SmartBox application, expanding compatibility to Windows, Linux, and macOS systems. This addition complements existing access options via a Qualified Electronic Certificate or the ConsentID mobile app and eID of the eGovernment account. Users now have three equal methods to access and submit tax returns on the portal, with detailed instructions available on the eTax website.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 189
Content accuracy validation date: 30.12.2024
Content accuracy validation time: 08:13h

The Tax Authority of Serbia informs the public, especially users of the e-Porezi i.e. eTax portal, about the improved methods for accessing electronic services and signing tax returns.

From now on, in addition to the existing two methods of access via the eTax application—using a Qualified Electronic Certificate or the ConsentID mobile application and eID of the eGovernment account—a new method is available. Users can now also access the eTax portal (e-Porezi in Serbian) using a Qualified Electronic Certificate and the SmartBox application.

The SmartBox application allows access to the eTax portal from computers running Windows, Linux (Ubuntu), or macOS operating systems. The application can already be downloaded and used on the mentioned operating systems. The download link is available at the website dedicated to eTax portal – at:

After installing the SmartBox application on a local computer, users can access the ePorezi portal by launching any Internet browser and navigating to the mentioned .

With this improvement, portal users now have three ways to access the portal and submit tax returns, and handle other applications done on this online portal, with an expanded range of operating systems supporting the ePorezi portal. The existing authorization system for using electronic services on the ePorezi portal remains unchanged.

All three methods for accessing the portal and submitting returns are completely equal. All necessary instructions are available to portal users at the above link dedicated to eTax portal (e-Porezi).

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