Public Sweden Author: Nikolina Basić
In Sweden, fiscalization rules require a manufacturer’s declaration for every version of a cash register model or program. When a cash register version is updated, the manufacturer must submit a new declaration outlining the changes and providing necessary explanations, as mandated by the Swedish Tax Agency under SKVFS 2014:9. To ensure compliance, manufacturers can use form SKV 1509 as a temporary reporting solution, maintaining transparency and proper documentation of updates.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 79
Content accuracy validation date: 21.03.2025
Content accuracy validation time: 08:11h

Fiscalization rules in Sweden require a certification procedure in some specific way. The proof of the certification is presented in the so-called manufacturer's declaration. However, the question arises in the terms: what needs to be performed when there is an update of the cash register version, and how does that affect the manufacturer's declaration?

Namely, the Swedish tax agency requires a manufacturer's declaration for cash register updates. More precisely, the Swedish Tax Agency, under Chapter 8, Section 1 of SKVFS 2014:9, mandates that every version of a cash register model or program must include a manufacturer's declaration. When a version is updated, manufacturers are required to submit a new declaration, detailing changes compared to the previous version along with appropriate explanations. Manufacturers can utilize form SKV 1509 as a temporary solution to comply with the reporting requirements. This regulation contains the mandatory elements of a named declaration. This regulation ensures transparency and proper documentation for all cash register updates.


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