Public Republic of Srpska Author: Tara Nedeljković
The Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska has reminded taxpayers that the deadline for initiating the initial fiscalization procedure for the second group of taxpayers of the new fiscalization expires on March 31, 2025. During this time, taxpayers must submit requests for business premises registration, secure element issuance, and subsidizing initial fiscalization costs electronically. To initiate the process, taxpayers must have a contract with the Tax Administration and an approved fiscal system operator.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 53
Content accuracy validation date: 25.03.2025
Content accuracy validation time: 08:15h

The Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska published a reminder for taxpayers that the deadline for initiating the procedure of initial fiscalization of the second group of taxpayers of the new fiscalization expires on March 31, 2025, and for this reason, appeals to all taxpayers not to wait for the last day to initiate the procedure.

There is around a week left until the expiration of the deadline and during this period, all taxpayers belonging to the second group of fiscalization taxpayers should submit requests:

-        for registration of business premises,

-        for the issuance of a secure element, and

-        for subsidizing the costs of initial fiscalization

All these applications are submitted electronically through the website of the Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska in the e-fiscalization section.

Also, as a reminder, for those who are yet to start these processes in this country, the prerequisite for initiating the initial fiscalization procedure is that the taxpayer has concluded a contract with the Tax Administration on the use of the Tax Administration's Electronic Mailbox and a contract with the approved operator of the fiscal system for the delivery and installation of electronic fiscal devices.

At the same time, the Tax Administration of the Republic of Srpska draws the attention of taxpayers to the fact that the Law on Fiscalization prescribes misdemeanor liability and penalties for taxpayers who do not initiate the initial fiscalization procedure within the set deadline.


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