Public Italy Author: Nikolina Basić
The Revenue Agency has introduced new reporting guidelines for electronic payment providers starting January 1, 2026. Operators must electronically transmit data to the Financial Administration via the SID system, including identification data and daily transaction amounts. The new framework expands data requirements and requires annual data consistency updates. Receipts will be issued, and operators have a five-day window to resubmit corrected information.

Fiscal subject related

Views: 42
Content accuracy validation date: 25.03.2025
Content accuracy validation time: 14:15h

A couple of days ago, the Revenue Agency published a provision that defines the terms, methods, and content of communications relating to the identification data of electronic payment instruments and the total amount of daily transactions carried out with these instruments. This obligation is in relation to the latest introduced obligation that fiscal devices must be connected with POS regarding electronic payment processing, all in order that electronic payment data must be sent to the Revenue Agency as well.

This document implements Article 22, paragraph 5, of Legislative Decree 26 October 2019, no. 124, converted with amendments by Law 19 December 2019, no. 157. With Provision No. 142285 issued on March 21, 2025, the Revenue Agency has officially established the terms, methods, and requirements for communications by operators providing electronic payment instruments, such as physical or virtual POS systems, to merchants.

Starting January 1, 2026, these operators will be required to electronically transmit the requested data to the Financial Administration via the SID (Data Flow Exchange System) of the Revenue Agency on a monthly basis—by the last working day of the month following the reference month.

Under the new regulations, the following information must be included in the reports:

  • Identification data of the electronic payment instruments provided to merchants engaging in business, art, or professional activities.

  • Total daily transaction amounts processed through these instruments.

Legal Background: The obligation for operators to report electronic payment data stems from the Fiscal Decree of 2020, as outlined in Article 22 of Legislative Decree No. 124 (October 26, 2019). Amended by Law No. 157 (December 19, 2019), this mandate requires payment service providers (PSPs), such as banks and electronic money institutions, to transmit transaction data to combat tax evasion and ensure traceability. Provision No. 142285/2025 clarifies and updates the guidelines, replacing the previous rules from June 30, 2022, which required submissions through PagoPA SpA.

The new framework introduces significant changes:

  1. Mandatory Use of SID: Communication will now occur directly through the SID system, enhancing monitoring and control.

  2. Expanded Data Requirements: additional details must be provided, enabling more accurate tracing of electronic payments.

Acquirers (“payment service providers” authorized to carry out their activity in the national territory and who, through an agreement, allow the acceptance of electronic payments) are required to transmit the following information:

  • their tax code

  • tax code and, if available, VAT number of the trader;

  • unique code of the agreement with the merchant;

  • relationship identifier of the agreement as communicated to the financial reports archive;

  • unique identifier of the POS through which the merchant accepts the electronic transaction;

  • type of POS used (physical, virtual);

  • type of operation, distinguished between payment and payment reversal;

  • accounting date of electronic transactions;

  • total daily amount of electronic transactions carried out by the merchant;

  • daily number of electronic transactions carried out by the merchant.

  • The Revenue Agency will provide each obliged party with a snapshot of the consistency of the data received on an annual basis in order to verify correct compliance.

Obliged entities and submission process: the new rule applies to PSPs who enable merchants to accept payments via POS systems. Beginning in 2026, these operators must submit data monthly by the last working day of the month following the reporting period. Detailed technical specifications accompanying the provision outline the required data, including tax codes, VAT numbers, unique merchant identifiers, transaction types, and totals.

The Revenue Agency will issue receipts confirming data submission and processing results. Furthermore, as described in the annex relating to the so-called “snapshot of consistency,” it will be the duty of the Revenue Agency to provide each year an overview of the data received to each obliged subject to allow the latter to verify the correct fulfillment and, in case of inconsistencies, to correct or integrate. In case of errors, operators have a five-working-day window to resubmit corrected information.

The technical documentation that has been introduced: compilation mode, technical specifications “Communication,” technical specifications “Diagnostics and receipts,” and texture photograph.


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