Public Romania Author: Kristina Dosen
The Romanian National Agency for Fiscal Administration has published a set of documents that explain the procedure for the non-resident economic entities if they opt to start using the RO e-invoicing system. More details are as follows!

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The newly published documents have been put up on the ANAF website on the 15th of November, and they are the following: 

  1. Procedure for the non-resident economic operators in Romania for exercising the option of usage of the national system on electronic invoicing: RO e-Invoice;
  2. Form no. 83 - called OPTION for the use of the national system on electronic invoicing RO e-Invoice by non-resident economic operators;
  3. Instructions for completing Form number 83, mentioned in the previous line; 
  4. Characteristics regarding editing, how to distribute, usage and keeping the form (083) “Option for the use of the national system of electronic invoicing RO e-Invoice by non-resident economic operators;
  5. The Order for the approval of the Procedure regarding the exercise of the use, by the non-resident economic operators the option of the national electronic invoicing system RO e-Invoice, as well as the model, content, and instructions for completing the mentioned Form (no. 83);
  6. Approval report of the draft Order of the president of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration for the approval of the Procedure mentioned above. 


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